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Sarah Spinks

Why digital marketing is important for a small business

Updated: Jul 31, 2023

Digital marketing has become more than just a ‘type’ of marketing. It has become part of our everyday lives and the bottom line is, your clients and customers (and prospects) are online! There is an expectation from consumers that your business has a digital presence, whether that be through a website or social media profile. This presence builds legitimacy and is the starting point for your business in the mind of the consumer.

Digital marketing for small pet business

Having a ‘presence’, however, is just scratching the surface and often many smaller businesses believe they don’t have the time or budget to compete. While the online marketplace is extremely competitive, there is a place for everyone and when ‘hand in hand’ with the right strategy, it can be a recipe for success.

Remember, your competitors will also be online and there is a lot to be learned from one another.

So why is digital marketing so important for small businesses?

1. Cost-effective

As a small business, we often use the term ‘getting the biggest bang for your buck’. Few forms of marketing can be as cost-effective as digital marketing and there are a number of reasons why. Depending on which tools you choose to use within your digital strategy, your marketing can be intricately targeted, for example, so you can ensure you are not wasting time and money on people who are not interested in your services, and investing your budget in an audience you want to speak to with the messages you want to convey.

2. Accessibility

Online presence means you can be open for business 24/7. Think of your website or social media profile as your ‘online shop window’. This doesn’t mean you are ‘working 24/7’, but more that your marketing is ‘working for you’. You can be advertising to and educating your target audience during the times most convenient for them (such as after work) and be accessible for them to contact you, something most pet owners want and expect these days.

3. Direct feedback

One of the unique abilities of digital marketing in the form of social media is that it allows you to engage with your audience directly. While this can work both ways, if you are running a credible business, the positives hugely outweigh the negatives. It allows you to develop relationships, build trust and gain invaluable insight. Remember, people buy from people!

This is just a very general overview of the benefits digital marketing can have on your small business. When executed with a thought-out strategy, it will form an integral part of your daily operations, serving both you and your clients and customers. Maybe you need to develop a basic website to educate local pet owners and gain new clients, or maybe you are looking to take your Instagram content to the next level. Whatever your end goal and no matter where you are in the process, we are here to chat you through your options and to support you in whichever capacity is required!

If you would like a free consultation, drop us a message at - we love to chat!

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