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Communication in the pet industry

No matter what our business is within the pet industry, we are all talking to pet owners. Pets do not have a voice of their own and so we need to advocate for them. Whether it’s the pet owner relaying information to us, or us to the pet owner, there are a variety of means in which we do this. Communication is relatively universal, but the situation in which communication takes place changes.

Communication is a skill and is not limited to ‘in person’; it can be verbal and non-verbal. Our communication is often shaped by our experiences and the unique environments we find ourselves in. Operating within the pet industry means that we are always communicating in a variety of ways. It could be in-person or online. It could be a more lighthearted educational approach, or during a heightened emotional situation. One thing is for sure though, whether we work hands on with animals and need to hone our communication skills with a different species, or we need to communicate messages to pet owners, this can be done in a variety of ways and through a variety of different means.

As pet professionals, you will have your own methods of communicating with your audience and within the everyday situation in which you serve them. In terms of marketing to this audience, the ultimate goal is to convey a message, to build collaboration - i.e. an outcome which will fundamentally benefit the animal. What are the ways in which we can do this?

Connecting online

‘Online’, these days, is a relatively broad term! It can encompass your website, social media platforms, instant messaging, apps, email - the list goes on. Each will have their own purpose. The good news, however, to having so many communication tools, is that it feeds into the ‘rule of 3’. That is, a message is best received by being reiterated 3 times and in 3 different ways. Not everyone receives information in the same way and what this variety of options enables us to do is reach a wider audience with the same message. Fundamentally, whatever information we are providing to individuals, they will choose the way in which they like to receive information. As the ‘communicator’ or ‘educator’, our role is to ensure we cover as many bases as possible.

Information can be ‘recycled’ and this also ensures that it is consistent. So when marketing to your pet owners, and communicating with them online, it's important to remember that the messaging needs to stay the same. A post on Instagram can be recycled to Facebook, but the information could also be provided as a blog on your website. That blog could be made into a helpful leaflet, for example - which leads us onto…

Connecting offline

As previously mentioned, as a pet professional you will be communicating with your target audience everyday as well as with the animal in your care. There are other ways and means of reinforcing the messages you are sending. The experience a customer or client has with your business is a form of communication in itself (which forms part of your branding). Did the service you provide exceed expectations and has that therefore reinforced their trust so they are more likely to take the advice you have given, for example? This isn’t unique to offline, we hasten to add!

Communication can create healthy and effective relationships with our consumers which ultimately will lead to improved animal welfare. The ways in which we communicate is the embodiment of our brand. So next time you’re thinking about what you’re trying to communicate and why, consider the variety of different ways this can be done and what would be most effective for that particular message.

Whether you are offering a product or service, effective marketing communication is essential. Get in touch if you want to discuss the ways in which you can be speaking to your target audience and communicating your message effectively.

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