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Fully utilising 'vet tech' and centralising marketing

PetsApp is utilised by thousands of vets, across hundreds of clinics and practices. It is the one tool most commonly used by our clients. As a veterinary engagement and communication platform, it lends itself perfectly as a direct marketing tool too. 

With its built-in 'push' notification system, PetsApp is ideal for communicating directly with clients and supporting your wider practice aims. If you have information you want them to know, maybe a promotion that is relevant to their pets or a sudden message that needs to be communicated, PetsApp is ideal to work as part of your wider marketing strategy. 

We utilise                             to:

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Send push notifications

Advertise promotions

Communicate services to clients

Increase bookings

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Improve client experience

Notify clients with practice news

Engage interest

Open 'chats' between team and client

To discuss your business needs and aims, get in touch. Every business is different. We create a package which fits you. 

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